Feb 26, 2024
battery replacement services Rice Lake, WI

Does your vehicle need a new car battery? If so, a quick trip to the GMC dealer can have you back on the road in no time. Understanding the signs that your battery is beginning to fail allows you to take action before you’re left stranded.

Signs Your Battery Might Be Failing

Slow Engine Crank

When you turn the key in the ignition or push the start button, if the engine turns over slower than it should, it could be a sign that your battery is losing charge. A healthy battery should start the engine right away. A slow engine crank is a good reason to have your battery tested.

Warning Lights

Modern GMC and Chevy vehicles are equipped with a battery/charging system warning light on the dashboard. It is often depicted as a battery symbol or the letters ALT (for alternator) or GEN (for generator). If this light comes on, it’s important to get your battery checked out as soon as possible.

Old Battery

Car batteries don’t last forever, instead dying after about three to five years. Just how long it lasts depends on how you use it. For example, exposure to extreme temperatures can shorten your battery’s life. If your battery is more than three years old, you should have it tested to see if it needs to be replaced.

Electrical Issues

If you notice that the headlights dim when your vehicle is idling but brighten when you rev the engine, it could be a sign of a weak battery. If electrical components like the radio, dashboard lights, or air conditioning aren’t working as well as usual, your battery might not be holding enough of a charge to power them.


A visual inspection of your battery can also reveal issues. Check the terminals of your battery for signs of corrosion, a white powdery deposit that can form around them. While cleaning the terminals can temporarily improve the connection, corrosion may signal that your battery is leaking or nearing the end of its life.

Find Your New Car Battery at Your GMC Dealer

Are you experiencing issues with your GMC or Chevy vehicle? It could be time for a new car battery. At Don Johnson Motors Chevrolet GMC in Rice Lake, WI, we understand the importance of a reliable vehicle, and a healthy battery is the heart of that reliability.

Our service center specializes in battery replacement services to ensure your vehicle stays running smoothly on the roads of Rice Lake and beyond. Whether it’s a sluggish start or warning signs from your vehicle’s electronics, our certified technicians are here to diagnose and resolve any battery-related issues promptly. With our expertise and genuine OEM batteries, you can trust us to keep your GMC or Chevy vehicle performing at its best. Schedule your battery service with us today and enjoy peace of mind on every drive.